Yeah, me, too. And I meant it. But before I decide which drawing is the winner, I'd like to give people the chance to weigh in. See below for a bunch of submissions. Let me know what you think. Cast your vote. Speak your mind. But, most of all, be nice. If I see any mean-spirited comments, they will be deleted.
I also want to reiterate that the decision is still ultimately mine alone. Because, you know, it will be displayed on me forever and whatnot. But, that said, I'm pretty easily influenced by the thoughts of others, so feel free to make a strong case for your favorite design.
I received a few that I loved, but were too inappropriate to share on a blog sometimes viewed by kids. Otherwise, if you submitted a drawing, or saw one before, and don't see it here, please let me know, I may have missed it! Or even feel free to send me a late submission if these inspire you to draw a shark.
Anyway, here they are. Enjoy. I know I did.